
Tuesday 15 January 2019

What I Would Do With a Million Dollars

I’ve not been able to blog much this past year due to health issues, so I decided this year I would try to blog more – and what better way than by Long and Short Reviews’ blog hop?

This week’s topic is “What I Would Do With a Million Dollars”. For me, that one’s easy. I would travel. While I don’t love getting from A to B (I’m a terrible flyer) I have dozens of places around the world I would love to see. I have always wanted to visit somewhere decadent and hedonistic like the Maldives, or walk the Great Wall of China. Not cheap, but a fascinating experience.

Another thing I would like to do is a cruise. Possibly around Alaska. The thought of standing watching icebergs pass the boat is amazing – and I would always rather be too cold than too hot.
So what would you like to do?


  1. Tanith - travel is my number one bucket list!!! That million dollars could go a long way in seeing the beauty of this world, wouldn't it? Great post. Mine's here:

  2. That's a fantastic idea! My husband was in the navy, so he's pretty well done travelling, but I'd still like to go places, even if I just stay in the US. I hope you get to achieve that dream.

  3. Ooh, travelling is a good answer. It would be so cool to see icebergs in person.

    This is my response to this week's prompt:

  4. Traveling is a good idea! I love to travel! My post is here:

  5. Travelling is always fun and it would be even more so if one didn't have to worry about every little penny because you had a MILLION

  6. Very cool. I'd love to travel, too, but I'd want to take the cats and dogs with me. Can't leave my babies behind. :-)

  7. Travel is at the top of my list too! It would be awesome. Now where's our million dollars for answering this question?!
