
Tuesday 22 January 2019

Favourite Things to Do in the Winter

The topic on Long and Short Reviews' blog hop this week is "favourite things to do in the winter", something I'm very happy to talk about.

Winter, at least the first half, is my favourite time of year because of Christmas. Close to my workplace is a German Christmas market, where I absolutely love to go on lunch breaks to try the potato pancakes and fresh pretzels. But it also embodies everything I love about Christmas – dark nights lit with fairy lights, sparkling decorations and hot mulled wine. It’s a wonderfully Christmassy place.

But what to do for the second half of winter, after Christmas is over and we’re left with cold weather and slush? One of the things I used to like was to visit the skating rink. We often have an open-air one in one of the town squares which was fun to try, even though I’ve never been a great skater – I have no balance.

However, I’ve long since lost the urge to spend ages crashing down onto ice, and so my other favourite thing to do in winter is to sit inside with a steaming mug of hot chocolate and watch the snow fall.

So what do you like to do?


  1. I've tried to like winter activities, but I just don't. My family and in-laws all enjoy skiing, ice skating, snowmobiling, etc. And they are likely great fun... but I just get too cold. I'm with you on the whole "inside and drink cocoa" idea! I'm here:

    1. I'd be a terrible skier - I have no sense of balance!

  2. I'm not wild about the slush. Just dealt with that yesterday. Blech for driving. But I have to admit, I do love Christmas and sledding. Good post!
    Here's mine:

    1. Ugh, I hate driving in this weather. I'd rather go to work on a sledge.

  3. I have to vote on the stay inside and drink cocoa too but I would sure like to wander in your German Market.

  4. Hot chocolate is delicious. I think just about everyone would agree with you that it's a great way to spend a cold winter day!

    My Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge post.

    1. On particularly bad days I put cherry syrup in it and make a Black Forest hot chocolate out of it.

  5. Christmas is my favorite holiday as well, so I would LOVE the German Christmas market (if I can go on a warm day ;-)). I think staying inside is a great idea... my reasoning is here:

    1. It was surprisingly mild this Christmas - it's only now that it's got really cold!
