
Monday 5 September 2022

A plotline you love to read or watch and why

 After the topic from last week, this one was a little more difficult. There are very few plotlines I won't at least try, so which are my favourites? Hard to say.

I do know that I've always loved stories in school settings, but I have one preference there - I would rather read about the cool kids. Obviously there is still going to be conflict and that's fine, but speaking as someone who was the nerdy introvert in school, I don't particularly want to live through that again when I'm reading. There was a film I saw last year, "Seance", which handled the cool kids dealing with a ghost in a boarding school, and it was exactly what I was looking for.

And the other point is probably obvious for a romance writer like me - I want a happy ending. Nicholas Sparks is great if you like that kind of thing, but I don't want to read a love story where one or both end up dead. I want them to walk off into the sunset together, and I can promise they'll always do that in my writing.

So what plotlines do you love to read or watch?


  1. I'm with you on Nicholas Sparks. I only read/watch his stories if I want to cry. My post is here if you want to stop by.

    1. Yes, I've never been keen on his work for that reason.

  2. I like when common things are given a spin that wasn't "Hansel and Gretal: Vampire Hunters" or "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer...heck the Abe Lincoln one even mentioned Madison, Indiana, where I live! It was a better book than a movie, but that's usually the case!

    1. I haven't tried the book, but I'll put it on my list.
