
Monday 24 January 2022

Best book or movie from 2021

 The original topic included TV shows, but I've deliberately ignored that one as I don't watch TV series that often. Books and movies, on the other hand... absolutely.

Of course, the tricky part is in remembering which ones actually came out in 2021 and which I just got round to in that time. I had to check a few release dates before posting.

In terms of books, my favourite two were "The Storyteller" by Dave Grohl and "The Man Who Died Twice" by Richard Osman. I love autobiographies and Dave Grohl has proved to be a great writer, being able to evoke passion in his stories while always holding the reader's attention (which is definitely not the case for some of the autobiographies I read last year). As for Richard Osman, I loved his first book and the sequel definitely didn't disappoint. He creates great characters in his elderly crimefighters and I wanted them to win from the first page.

Films? Probably "The Matrix Resurrections" and "Black Widow". I'm not going to include the newest Spider-Man film because I didn't really like the direction that went in, although many would disagree. However, I love Florence Pugh and would watch anything she was in. As for "The Matrix Resurrections", while I'm hoping they don't turn it into a new trilogy - I think it's better as a stand-alone - I enjoyed every minute.

So what were your favourites of 2021?


  1. I agree with your assessment of Black Widow and Pugh! Haven't yet watched The Matrix Resurrections... will add it to my list of movies to check out! Thanks :-)

    1. I discovered her in "The Falling" and have been following her ever since - she's an amazing actress.

  2. I have the same problem with trying to remember which books were actually published when. One of my favorite books from 2021 was actually published in 2019. I really need to watch the Matrix Resurrections... and the newest Ghostbusters, too, come to think of it.

    1. I haven't seen the new Ghostbusters yet but it's on my list.
