
Sunday 26 September 2021

Something I wish someone would invent

 After a week away in the Lake District and Blackpool, I'm back and considering this topic from Long and Short Reviews. What would I want someone to invent? 

I'm sure many people would come up with things which are much more useful, to do with household management or saving lives possibly, but the thing I came up with was a little more personal. I want a foolproof cat attractor.


My two cats Dash and Spot, who I love, are most definitely not lap cats. Spot is reasonably friendly, but Dash is a moody bugger and hardly ever comes over. Catnip? Don't make me laugh. If I sprinkle it on the floor they'll roll in it, but attempt to attract them with a catnip mouse and they'll just look at me like I'm weird.

We also have a lot of cats in the neighbourhood who I would love to get to know, but most of them leg it the minute you try to approach them. So I would love a foolproof cat attractor so I can finally get some kitty attention.

So what do you wish someone would invent?


  1. My cat hates But, she is definitely a lap cat (when she wants to be). Unfortunately, it's normally my husband she wants to sit with (granted, a lot of the time when I'm sitting, I have my computer on my lap). She does like to sit on me when I'm knitting or crocheting though... right where she can play with the yarn. Cats are weird.

    1. Spot will sit next to me, but has sat on me exactly once in his life. I've given up.

  2. That’s a good idea! I hope your cats give you some love soon.

    1. I've managed to get a few strokes in, at least.

  3. ...And now I'm thinking of brand names, like Cattractor and The Kitten Magnet.
