
Monday 8 April 2019

Characters I never want to meet

This topic from Long and Short Reviews was an interesting one. I watch a lot of horror films, so there are plenty of characters I wouldn’t want to meet. But do they necessarily have to be villains?

For instance, two of my least favourite characters in fiction are Fanny Price and Edmund Bertram from “Mansfield Park”. Two of the most insipid, insufferable characters I’ve ever read, whose only good point was that they ultimately married each other and so didn’t inflict themselves on anyone else. Give me Henry Crawford any day.

In horror terms, I would say the character I least want to meet is Sadako from “The Ring”, or Samara as she was in the US remake. The epitome of J-horror’s long-haired ghost girls, an unstoppable force who crawls out of your TV and scares you to death. After watching that film I was terrified to switch the TV on for two days.

And since I am a writer, I couldn’t end without mentioning Reed James from my “I Heard Your Voice”. 

A celebrity medium based on the press perception of Derek Acorah (I have no idea what he’s really like, but the press painted him as a nightmarish diva), Reed is an arrogant jerk who leaches off more powerful mediums to boost his own low-level powers. I’ve met plenty of people like him, but would hate to meet him in person?

So who would you never want to meet?


  1. Replies
    1. Good point - although I had to admire his dedication!

  2. Replies
    1. Creepiest in the first one, I found. I felt they showed too much of her in the sequels.

  3. Interesting choices. one of which I wasn't familiar.

    Here's mine:

    1. I could probably come up with a lot more horror-wise!

  4. Oh, Sadako is a good choice! She's be quite a creepy character to meet.

    My post:

    1. I felt a bit sorry for her in the American remake, but only for a minute.

  5. I wouldn't want to meet Michael Meyers, Freddie, Jason...any of those. But I'm a wuss when it comes to scary movies. lol!! Good post.

    1. Ah yes, all of those would be on the list. Although at least Freddie could make me laugh!

  6. Don't read horror so I'll take your word for those characters. A couple that come to mind just now, Satu Järvinen and Peter Knox in Discovery of Witches.

    1. I've never seen it, but I've heard of it - yes, they would scare me.
