
Tuesday 12 February 2019

Most Romantic Memory

When I saw this topic come up on Long and Short Reviews bloghop, it was a tricky one. Despite the fact that I write erotic romance, I’m not a very romantic person. On gift-giving occasions I’ll always prefer a proper gift rather than flowers, and we never do Valentine’s Day on the actual day to avoid the fancy menus restaurants always do.

So what would be my most romantic memory?

It would have to be the day my husband proposed.

For anyone wondering if this was an elaborate grand gesture, hearts and flowers, down on one knee, it wasn’t. We were sunbathing on our favourite beach, Cala D’Or beach in Majorca, watching the waves.

And later that evening, to celebrate our engagement, we went to our favourite restaurant on the marina and had cava sangria.

So what’s your most romantic memory?


  1. It doesn't need moonlight and roses to be romantic ... yanno? It's what is romantic to YOU. <3

    1. I've always felt it's more romantic to give someone what they want rather than try to live up to an ideal - so I think you're right!

  2. Beautiful view for an engagement-- you can see my "proposal" here:

  3. Whatever works for you, that's what matters. DH didn't give me flowers and he proposed in a candy store parking lot in the rain. It was very romantic, but not for everyone. I love yours. Very nice. :-)

  4. I totally agree with Marianne. There are so many different ways to show your spouse/partner that you care.

  5. I think it's a beautiful memory.

    1. Thank you - it's one we revisit every time we go back there.
