
Monday 3 December 2012

Third Day of Blissemas

In my house, I am definitely the Christmas fairy. I love everything about it – the dark nights lit with fairy lights, the decorations, the gifts, the food, the music. My husband, on the other hand, loathes the very name of Christmas, so it’s up to me to provide the good cheer.

And one of my favourite things about Christmas happens to be right beside my workplace – the Christkindelmarkt.

For me, this sums up everything about the season of goodwill. Stall upon stall of handcrafted gifts – I’ve treated myself to brightly-lit crystals, handmade mugs, Russian dolls and wind lights. Other stalls sell traditional food, from wurst, pretzels and potato pancakes to chocolate-coated fruit kebabs, marshmallows and truffles. And of course, many flavours of hot mulled wine, mead and German beer.

It’s been a long year and a pretty rough one for me, but Christmas never fails to cheer me up. So I’ll be celebrating with a glass of mulled wine and hanging twinkling lights in my window.

Merry Blissemas!


  1. Here's hoping 2013 will be lucky for us all! Lovely post...


  2. The holidays are my favorite time of year. Sadly we don't have a market like the one in Leeds, extremely jealous!

  3. Happy holidays! I love the pictures. Its hard not to get into the christmas spirit! Its cheerful and bright! I hope you and your family have an amazing one!

  4. That market sounds heavenly and I can see how it gets you in the Christmas spirit! I'm afraid I'm more like your husband in that I feel overwhelmed with some of the holiday aspects no matter how cheerful I remain.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  5. Sounds like fun, too bad we don't have anything like that here in NW Nebraska.

    drainbamaged.gyzmo at

  6. Wish I could visit your market, but alas there is not enough in my wallet for airfare.

  7. That market sounds awesome!! And your hubby sounds something like mine. Although, I will say that between the kids and me, he gets his butt in gear and puts the lights on the house and in the yard. Then the kids and I string lights all over the house! He sometimes gets annoyed, but we just snicker at him! lol
    Thanks so much
    Sebrina_Cassity at yahoo dot com

  8. I've stopped by too late...but that's okay...where are you located at? I'm in Vienna, Austria and the Christkindelmarkts are one of my favorite things too!

    Hope you had a great holiday!

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