
Thursday 3 May 2012

It’s Publisher Appreciation Week!

Today I’m blogging about my two wonderful publishers, Total-e-Bound and Naughty Nights Press.

I’ve been with Total-e-Bound for just over a year. I can still remember the day I got the email accepting “The Hand He Dealt” for publication; showing my husband the message on my phone as we went out for dinner and then sitting with a goofy grin at the table in the restaurant clutching a champagne cocktail.

In the weeks that followed I was invited to join forums and write peer reviews, had a cover made by Posh Gosh which was stunning, and with the help of my brilliant editor Rebecca Hill put together the final copy of my very first novel.

I can’t thank them enough. Rebecca has since left, but my new editor Sue will be working with me on my new piece “I Heard Your Voice”, and I look forward to that immensely.

I first became aware of Naughty Nights Press when Gina Kincade contacted me and invited me to submit to her (OK, that sounded a lot sexier than it was – sorry, I’m not naturally submissive J). Shortly afterwards I submitted “Assume the Position”, which was accepted, and without a moment’s hesitation I was invited to join NNP’s Facebook group, where I was welcomed into the fold.

So I’d like to offer up a big thank you to all at Total-e-Bound and Naughty Nights Press – I couldn’t do without you, and I hope to work with you for a very long time!

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