
Tuesday 1 October 2024

A genre I want to

 Having had a quick break from Long and Short Reviews topics thanks to being on holiday, this one was an easy one. I've been trying to catch up on my reading and there is one genre I've definitely neglected.

Historical. Both fiction and non-fiction.

I have a lot of historical writers on my "following" list on Amazon and haven't seen any new ones from them lately, so I'll have to go searching for some new ones. My favourite period is the Wars or the Roses and Henry VIII, but I'm looking to branch out, maybe into the Georges - I've read further back into the early Henry periods, but not much further forward.

I also love American history, but most of my reading has been on the presidents and those close to them, so I need to look around for some interesting figures. I have a biography of J Edgar Hoover on my to-read list and I'm sure there are others I can find.

So which genre do you want to read more of?


  1. Ah historical fiction is a good shout. I love good historical non fiction and have recently been dipping into historical fiction. I'm enjoying it.

    1. I've been looking around for some that would really interest me. Different periods hopefully.

  2. We picked the same answer!

  3. Historical fiction was on my list as well.

    My post

  4. Even though I'm not too big on Historical, I am still open to it depending on the story and era that it takes place. For example, if the story took place during the Salem Witch Trials, I'd probably give it a try.

    1. I've read a few of those, and also the Pendle witches.
