
Monday 15 March 2021

My theme song

 I had to laugh when this topic came up at Long and Short Reviews, because this is pretty much how I work when I write - a lot of scenes are written with music in mind. Unfortunately we're not allowed to quote lyrics and just using song titles doesn't always cut it, as not everyone will know why "Break Me Shake Me" would make a good background track to this sex scene. I've often wanted to include a flash drive or CD with every book and tell readers to play track X for scene Y.

I have also embarrassed my husband a few times by singing along to music in public. I can get away with this a bit more at the moment because I'm wearing a mask, so he doesn't always notice I'm doing it. I can still remember the time I found myself doing a duet of "Blurred Lines" with a random stranger in Asda, or the lunch break last year when everyone in Greggs was singing along to "Love Yourself".

But what would be my theme song?

I actually came up with this last year, before it was mandatory to wear masks in supermarkets. I had gone shopping wearing a mask and found myself surrounded by shoppers wandering around maskless, ignoring the arrows on the aisles - and, appropriately, playing on the radio was Chesney Hawkes' "The One and Only". Yes, I really was. And I think it works for most of my life - we all are, after all, the one and only.

So what would be your theme song?


  1. I sing along ALL THE TIME... I can't help myself. My poor daughter has learned to just deal with the embarrassment, lol.

  2. I'm the same way... I love to sing. Now, whether anyone else likes to listen.... that's a whole 'nother story! lol

    1. I used to be able to sing, but that was years ago - it's probably for the best that I do it quietly now.

  3. I'd sing for the tot and I'm sure it drove him nuts, but oh well. :-)

  4. Sometimes we are the One and Only. Good choice. I don't sing I whistle and it drives my wife crazy.

    1. I've never been able to whistle - I wish I could.

  5. It's so funny that you sing along to music in public! I'll bet people get a kick out of that. :)

    1. The bloke I ended up duetting with certainly did :)

  6. Have you ever thought of making a Spotify playlist and including the links in your author's note or something?

    Gods, I sing along all day long and I'm shocked my wo-worker who shares the lobby area with me hasn't gone round the bend by now. Hahaha.

    Hmm, I've never heard that song or the artists, so yeah, just pulled it up on Spotify and am giving it a list as we speak. :D

    My post

    1. Good idea - I've done playlists on blog tours before but hadn't thought of putting it in the author's note.

  7. Very appropriate choice. I generally don't sing aloud, but I will make exceptions for a few things (like The Muppets and The Little Mermaid).

  8. The One and Only is a great choice. Its a great way to think about oneself. Why can't we quote lyrics (since I quoted lyrics on my post)?

    1. I can't speak for blog posts, but according to my editor we can't quote lyrics in stories. It's come up a few times, as I love to quote lyrics, but I've always had to take them out.

  9. And that probably a good thing! LOL. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine.
